Alicia Leigh Photography | Austin, TX Brand Photographer

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How Often Should You Book Content Photography Sessions for your Business?

When was the last time you got in front of the camera for your business?

I get it. As a business owner, I find there are just so many ways to fill a day! And most of them come with deadlines. 

So booking photos of yourself? Well, that can get pushed to next month, next quarter…or next year. 

But the thing about doing business in our social-media-saturated world is that you have to keep showing up. 

You have to get in front of the camera. You have to build that like/know/trust factor with your favorite people to work with. And – if you really want to make an impact – you have to do it at strategic intervals.

Finding that perfect content rhythm can be a challenge. You don’t want your feed to look outdated, but you also don’t want it to look unfocused. 

Like any good business owner, you’re searching for that sweet spot in the content Venn diagram where “fresh” and “cohesive” overlap. 

If you’re trying to create a strategic photography schedule that aligns with your business goals, I made this guide just for you. Let’s go. 

The Rule of Thumb for the Frequency of Booking Your Content Photography Sessions

No matter what your business, services, or offerings look like – “at least once a year” is a great rule of thumb. 

And I know some businesses go more than a year between sessions – but I want to keep it real with you. They're either not producing a lot of visual content or their online presence isn't rocking. 

Our goal here is to create rocking content. 

Generally, people opt to update their brand visuals either annually, quarterly, or monthly. Which one you need depends on three things:

  1. What you do

  2. Who you do it for

  3. How much your online presence matters to you both

How often should you schedule your content photography sessions?

Annual Sessions For Professional Service Providers

If you are in a stable industry where the trends don't change much, I’m talking if ever, annual content photography sessions may do the job.

This is often the case for professional service providers such as law firms, accountants, or other professional services. 

If you fall into one of these categories, your photographer should use your annual content photography session to capture a wide range of visuals. In them, you can showcase your brand values, products/services, and team members, and then use them throughout the year.  

Quarterly Sessions For Ambitious, Creative Brands

If you are in an industry where trends and visual requirements change more frequently (think: wedding planners, website designers, beauty service providers, etc.), quarterly sessions may be the perfect fit for you.

Quarterly sessions allow you to keep things fresh with each new season, but also consistent with your overall brand visions. After your session, you’ll walk away breathing a sigh of relief, with at least three months of seasonal content at the ready.  

Monthly Sessions for Industry Influencers, Content Creators, and Product-Based Businesses

In certain fast-paced industries, trends change incredibly fast so you have to stay on your toes. If this sounds like you, it’d be a good idea to reserve a date on the calendar each month for you to get updated visuals. 

With a constant stream of fresh visuals, you’ll be able to keep up with the latest trends and launch any new products with ease. 

Is it time to book your content photo session?

If you would like help determining the optimal frequency of content photography sessions that will align with your brand's needs – and you’re in the Austin, Texas area – I’d love to help! 

Check out my story-driven, results-getting experience, and shoot me a message when you're ready to chat. I’ll take all the guesswork out of the process for you and work alongside you as we create content visuals that stop the scroll together. 

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