the BLOG


I’m Alicia Leigh - the creative behind Alicia Leigh Photography. Put simply, I’m a brand photographer in the Austin, Texas, area. But more than that, I’m a business educator and creative storyteller. If you’ve come to learn about elevating your brand, running a small business, or tips and advice on photography, then you’re in the right place!

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Planning a professional shoot is so much more than pinning pretty outfits and shaving your legs, it’s about coming up with a solid strategy. And if you want clients to take notice, stick around, and rave about your business — then this guide may be just what you need.

5 Gotta Have Photos for Every Brand resource guide

How To Define Your Business Ethics (PLUS My Photo Editing Ethics)

Recently, a client expressed to me her disappointment when I didn't do more retouching to her photo than I had. But the things she wanted to change gave me pause. To change these things would feel…dishonest.

Luckily, I already knew how I stand on the issue. But there was a time when I didn’t. Now by having a clearly defined sense of my business ethics, it was easy for me to respond accordingly. I knew exactly where the line was drawn.

If you’re a business owner, it’s a good idea to define your business ethics ahead of time… before you face pushback. Here’s how I decided how much photo editing is too much (for me), and what steps to take to define your own sense of ethics in your business.

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Client Education, Featured Emily Agan Client Education, Featured Emily Agan

Why You Should Use Your Brand Photographer’s Hair and Make-up Team for your Photoshoot (Instead of DIYing Or Hiring Someone Else)

You’ve booked your first brand photoshoot, or you've considered booking it, but you see we also provide hair and makeup. Unexpectedly, you start to feel concerned. You think you’d feel more comfortable doing your own hair and makeup or going to a makeup artist that you’ve visited before.

Can’t I just do it myself? Or go to Sephora? Why isn’t that the same thing?”

As it turns out there are actually some pretty scientific reasons why DIYing or getting outside help for your hair and makeup won’t be the best decision for your photoshoot, and five BIG reasons why you should just go ahead and trust your photographer’s team.

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My Favorite Client Management System for Small Business Owners

I knew a CRM was going to be a financial investment but also would require a lot of time upfront so I wanted something that did it all. I compared Dubsado to HoneyBook, 17 Hats, Tave, and a few companies met some or most of my “must-have” list… but here’s where Dubsado really turned the tide for me…

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