How do I know when I’m ready for Brand Photography?

You're a business owner, running your own show, making the big decisions, and taking charge of your destiny like the headstrong, heartstrong boss you are. You've worked hard and built a brand – one hard-won step at a time. 

But sometimes, sometimes…you wish you had a business guide.

Like some well-meaning form of Clippy from the Microsoft days, they could magically appear and say, “It looks like you’re ready to take the next step in business. Would you like me to book a brand photographer?”

Well, fear not, my entrepreneurial friend. I may not have an unsettling paperclip gaze (thank goodness!), but I'm here to help. Here are 8 signs you're ready to take the plunge with brand photography– as well as 3 signs you’re not *quite* ready yet.

8 Signs You’re Ready To Invest In Brand Photography

1 . You’ve hired a brand/website designer.

The fact that you’re investing in professional design services means you're serious about your brand. During the design process, a brand/website designer will work closely with you to understand your brand's values, target audience, and overall message. With those in hand, you’re ready for high-quality visuals that will enhance that message. 

2. You’re relying on stock photos.

Stock photos are cheap and easy to get, so many fledgling brands have turned to them in their early days in business. But generic images can only take you so far. Growing businesses need authentic imagery that will help build connections.

3. You cringe when you share your website/social media.

Your website and social media presence are the digital storefronts of your brand. If you dread sharing them, it’s because you know you’re not showcasing your brand in the best possible light. It’s time to get the visuals that will allow you to share with confidence. 

4. The leads you get are MEH at best.

As a creative, you want the kind of customers and clients who fire you up to do the work you love! So if the leads you're getting are less than ideal, it may be time to reevaluate what you’re putting out there.

5. Your photos feel BLAH compared to the personality and message you want to share.

Great brand photos start with a clear understanding of your brand's story, messaging, niche, and differentiators. You may have that, but your current photos don't reflect that. It's time for an upgrade. Hire a strategy-led photographer who will elevate your brand by crafting visuals that tell your unique brand story.

6. You want to raise your rates.

Potential clients or customers view images as a representation of a brand's professionalism. When you invest in high-quality brand photography, it shows that you take your business seriously and they’ll be more willing to pay a premium for your products or services.

7. The photos you've been using look nothing like you (and people have noticed). 

Authenticity is key to building trust with your audience. When people notice that the photos you've been using look nothing like you, it can undermine the credibility of your business. Invest in brand photography regularly so you always have photos that truly represent you – as you are today. 

8. Your services or offerings have changed, but they're not getting any traction. 

You launched some updated services or offerings, and….*crickets.* Booking a launch session with a brand photographer could be the solution you need to generate confetti-popping excitement and inspire more interest in your audience.  

3 Signs You Are Not Ready For Brand Photography Quite Yet

As a brand photographer, I believe in the power of a good brand photo session for just about ANY business – but not ALL businesses. Sometimes you’re just not quite ready, and that’s okay. If you fall into one of the categories below, take time to get your ducks in a row before booking a session. I’ll still be here when you’re ready!

1. You don't understand your brand vision yet.

Branding rule of thumb: If you don’t know, it will show. Take time to work out your brand identity, either alone or with a professional, before jumping into getting branded visuals.

2. You don’t know who your ideal client is yet.

One thing I've learned in business is that you can’t be everything to everyone. If your target audience is still “everyone" or “all women everywhere,” spend some time in reflection. What kinds of clients get you excited? Which customers do you wish you could have a million more just like them? Know how to answer these questions before you book.

3. You aren't ready to hand your visuals over to a professional just yet.

Brand photography requires you to entrust your brand visuals to an expert, step back, and let them do their job. If you aren’t ready to do that yet, it may be best to focus on other aspects of your business for now.

So… are you ready?

If you identify with several of the signs that indicate you're ready for brand photography, congratulations! It's time to take the next step and book your brand photography shoot. 

And if you’re looking for an Austin, Texas-based brand photographer, I’d love to help! 

Check out my story-driven, results-getting experience, and shoot me a message when you're ready to chat. I’ll work alongside you to help you elevate your brand, attract the right audience, and craft visuals that convert.

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